17 october 2024



After guest performances and participation in festivals in Hungary, Turkey, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, the production of Oedipus, based on the play by Sophocles and directed by Vito Taufer, will enjoy guest performances on the stage of the São João National Theatre in Porto on Friday, 18th and Saturday, 19th October.

This production of the tragedy of Oedipus opened on 17th September, 2022 and has so far participated in the MITEM Festival in Budapest, had two guest performances at the Istanbul City Theatre as well as on the stages of the ZYT in Zagreb, the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad, the Slovene National Theatre Drama in Ljubljana and as part of the Theatre Marathon in Sombor. The production was also included in the International Small Scene Theatre Festival in Rijeka where it received awards for best production of the festival, best male actor (Milan Marić), best upcoming actor/actress (Joakim Tasić) as well as the Audience Award. At the Without Translation festival of Yugoslav Theatre it received the Ardalion awards for best production of the festival, best actor, best costume design as well as the Audience Award.

This tragedy by Sophocles has had nearly seventy performances so far, of which nearly sixty were performed at home.

The Yugoslav Drama Theatre has already had guest performances at the São João National Theatre in Porto with the production of Fires by Maria Velasco, based a work in prose by Margureite Yourcenar, directed by Carme Portaceli as part of the Finisterre theatre festival held last year under the aegis of the Union of Theatres in Europe.