The opening night of Offing by Branislav Nušić, directed by Egon Savin, is scheduled for Saturday, 10th April at 7pm on our Ljuba Tadić stage.
The cast includes Nenad Jezdić, Sloboda Mićalović, Ljubomir Bandović, Vesna Stanković, Nebojša Milovanović/Goran Šušljik, Bojan Dimitrijević, Cvijeta Mesić, Jovana Belović, Bojan Lazarov, Marko Baćović, Maja Kolundžija Zoroe and Bogdana Obradović. In addition to directing, Egon Savin adapted the text, selected the music and designed the set for this production. Costume design by Lana Cvijanović with Ljiljana Mrkić Popović in charge of speech coaching.