27 september 2019

Success for YDT at Maly Theatre in Moscow


Last night, with its 1000 seat auditorium sold out, one of the oldest theatre in Russia, Maly Theatre in Moscow, hosted a peformance of Right Your Are, If You Think So by Luigi Pirandello, directed by Jagoš Marković.
After a number of curtain calls lasting for several minutes for the cast and their director, Jagoš Marković addressed the audience with these words: “I am happy that we find ourselves in the country of Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Obrascova, Mikhalkov…the list is endless. Three cheers for Yugoslav Drama Theatre!”
Last year, the Yugoslav Drama Theatre production of A Profitable Position by A. N. Ostrovsky, directed by Egon Savin, was included in the Ostrovsky in the House of Ostrovsky festival at Maly Theatre.
A guest performance by Maly Theatre is scheduled for next year at Yugoslav Drama Theatre.
YDT performance in Moscow was made possible thanks to the support of the City of Belgrade.

Video: JDP