Biljana Srbljanovic

The Glass neck

Directed by Jagos Markovic

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Ljuba Tadic Main Stage Thursday, 06. february 20:00
  • (S)1500 RSD
  • (B)500 RSD
Reserve Seats Other Dates
Duration 2h no interval
Première 05.10.2018.

The focus of this tragicomedy is a family living in Belgrade that suddenly becomes homeless due to the Restitution Act. Four generations of this family have lived and died, loved and cheated, suffered betrayal and fallen apart, lied and dreamt of happiness in this same house. The sprawling, entangled mess of their lives together begins to tear and crumble and with it we witness the disappearance of a world they lived in and an age that is forever gone.



Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
Photo: Nenad Petrovic
