Michael Kohlhaas
Directed by Boris Lijesevic
- Vojin Cetkovic,
- Miodrag Dragicevic,
- Vojislav Brajovic,
- Nikola Rakocevic,
- Zoran Cvijanovic,
- Milos Samolov,
- Milena Vasic,
- Aleksej Bjelogrlic,
- Kralj Čačka
- (S)2000RSD
- (B)600RSD
Graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Art. Member of YDT ensemble since 2000.
YDT: Michael Kohlhaas (Lisbeth Kohlhaas, Soothsayer, Nun, Anthonia von Tronka, Housekeeper), Fires (Phaedra/Magdalena), The Vast Domain (Adèle), Much Ado About Nothing (Margaret), Lorenzaccio (Catherine Ginori, Gabriella, Exile, Citizen), A Month in the Country (Lizaveta Bogdanovna), Let It Be Lovely, Born in YU, The Kraut Girl (Evica), Metamorphoses, Le Tartuffe (Elmire), Candide, Or Optimism (Paquette, Nathalie), The Castle (Landlady, Mizzi), Boat for Dolls (Goldilocks), Dear Daddy (Aya), Andromaque (Andromache), Koštana (Koštana), The Cherry Orchard (Anya);
MADLENIANUM: Ana Karenina (Dasha); ATELJE 212: The Elusive Acting System 2, Butterflies are Free (Jill Tanner); POZORIŠTE NA TERAZIJAMA: The Phantom of the Opera (Madame Giry), Drop to the Ground (Čandra Sekar), Stage Lights, Gypsy Camp Vanishes Into the Blue (Rada), Mamma mia (Donna); PUŽ: Svirano de Bergerac (Mademoiselle Šizela); BITEF TEATAR: Amselfeld (Cejmet).
TV: Radio Mileva, Edge of Reason, Vera, Legacy, Some Better Men, Hilmija’s Inn, My Father’s Murderers, Don’t Nag, One Summer Night, Married but Single, Sing, Brother, Shameless Lady, A White Boat, Only Tonight, Money or Your Lives, Goose Feather, That Which Used to Be Ours, The Dollars Are Coming…
FILM: Zona Zamfirova – Part Two, Love Isn’t Always on Time, Black Horses…
AWARDS: YDT Annual awards (2023, 2021, collective 2013, 2011).
Directed by Boris Lijesevic