16 may 2024



Guest performances of Our Assassin Jing Ke by Mo Yan, directed by Zhen Ming, are scheduled for 17th and 18th May at 8pm on our Ljuba Tadić main stage.  Duration: 2h35 with one interval.  Book now!

Mo Yan (born in 1955) won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012. Mo Yan has penned eleven novels and several plays and essays. His novel Red Sorghum was one of the most important works of Chinese literature in 1980s. Works by Mo Yan have been translated into over fifty languages and occupy an important place in world literature of today. Yan has received numerous international awards.

In this play there is no one who is inherently a bad person. All the characters are people who live around us or are, in fact, our own selves. Before we criticise other people, we have to be prepared to suffer criticism ourselves. When we admire exceptional people, we actually wish to be the ideal version of our own selves – says the author, Nobel Laureate Mo Yan.

Director Zhen Ming has directed over seventy different productions. Recipient of prestigious awards. Served as head of the Beijing People’s Art Theatre, best known and most influential theatre in China. The Yugoslav Drama Theatre gave a guest performance of The Imaginary Invalid on the stage of this theatre in 2015 and the next guest performance of the YDT in China is expected towards the end of this year or sometime in 2025.

The guest performances by the Beijing People’s Art Theatre enjoy the support of the City of Belgrade Secretariat for Culture.