One of YDT’s longest running productions Huddersfield by Uglješa Šajtinac, directed by Alex Chisholm, premièred on 26 th February, 2005. The story takes place in a small town in Vojvodina whose sleepy monotony is shattered by the arrival of Igor who has been living in Huddersfield, England for many years, since the beginning of the troubled decade of 1990s. The question this production asks is to what extent the choice of whether to go or to stay has determined the destiny of each one of the characters portrayed by Goran Šušljik, Nebojša Glogovac, Vojin Ćetković, Damjan Kecojević, Tijana Mladenović/Suzana Lukić and Josif Tatić (replaced later by Miša Janketić).
The production of Huddersfield won many awards and had guest performances around Serbia and the region (Rijeka, Kopar, Tuzla, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Brčko). The production of Huddersfield was made possible with the assistance of The British Council.
Before coming to Belgrade, Alex Chisholm had already directed this play by Uglješa Šajtinac in May, 2004 at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds, translated into English by Duška Radosavljević and adapted by Christ Thorpe. This was the first time that a professional theatre in the United Kingdom had produced a play by a Serbian playwright, and a critic writing for the Observer gave it four out of five stars.
Among many awards that the production of Huddersfield received are three Sterijino Pozorje awards – best new play for Uglješa Šajtinac and Sterijino Pozorje best performance awards for Nebojša Glogovac and Goran Šušljik; Ardalion awards for best production at the Yugoslav Theatre Festival in Užice in 2005, best set design (Marija Kalabić), best male actor (Nebojša Glogovac) and best supporting actor (Josif Tatić). Glogovac also received the Miloš Žutić award presented by the Drama Artists’ Asociation of Serbia. In addition, YDT received the best production award at the Theatre Festival in Mladenovac, Grand Prix of 24 th Theatre Meetings of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Brčko, where one of the awards also went to Nebojša Glogovac. At X Theatre Fest in Doboj Huddersfield received the best production award and Nebojša Glogovac received the best actor award.
At the Petar Kočić Theatre Festival in Banja Luka the production of Huddersfield won the best production award, the author Uglješa Šajtinac won the Kočićeva Knjiga award for best play and Nebojša Glogovac received the David Štrbac award for best actor.
The last performance of Huddersfield took place on 28 th May, 2016.