The performance The Loser, based on the eponymous novel by Thomas Bernhard and “Little Tragedies; Mozart and Salieri” by Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin, directed by Nataša Radulović, opens on Saturday, 27th May at 8:30pm on Studio YDT stage.
The texts were translated by Zlatko Krasni and Ivan S. Šajković, the author of dramatization is Nataša Radulović, set designer Jasmina Holbus, costume designer Marija Marković Milojev, movement coach Marta Bjelica, and speech coach Biljana Todorović.
The cast includes Joakim Tasić, Lenka Petrović, Stojša Oljačić and Teodor Vinčić.
Further performances are scheduled for Sunday 28th and Tuesday 30th May.